
Survey *says* ...

I'm interested in your opinion:

Which kind of bag do you prefer to use during your Every Day Carry (EDC)? 
  • Back-pack?
  • Wheeled bag (the kind w/a retractable handle)?
  • Tote bag?
  • Messenger bag?
  • Briefcase?
  • Purse?
  • Just your pockets?
  • A bag from someplace you've never shopped (except maybe for one of their bags)?
  • Plastic bag from your pharmacy or grocery store?


Whichever style you prefer:  
  1. Why do you prefer it over the other styles?  
  2. Have you ever used one style and switched to another?  Why was that?  
  3. What are your opinion(s) about the other 'methods of carrying' your EDC?
If you'd rather not be "identified,"  you may reply/post anonymously in the comments below (I'm pretty sure you can comment anonymously ... if not, lemme know).

I have been watching 'bag people' (those of us who carry bags to/from work) during the AM and PM Metro runs.  There are definitely more people who do than don't use a bag of some type.  I have been asking people (yep, total strangers who, after I convince them I'm not nuts, nor am I working for Jimmy Fallon or Kimmel or whoever) for their opinion(s) about the different kinds of bags people use (and the one *they* use).  Before I post the pictures of the 'bag people' I've been collecting and what I'm finding out, I'd like to get your opinion.  And stuff.

Please provide your answers, feedback, and emotional outbursts where it says "Comments" ... click on the link to "Post a comment" below.

Thanks in advance.  Film at 11.


Amazon's Alexa-thing is 5 Years Old, Smarter Than Me, and I Don't Care

I seem to be getting older, too.  It's weird.

I'm sorry, some folks might not like that.

To avoid offending anyone, I should rephrase:

"As my chrono-biological advancement process progresses, I have been noticing some uniquely odd moments."

Much better.

I'm concerned about these "odd moments" because it seems as though I am experiencing a more rapidly increasing version of an already rapid process.  I'm pretty sure that my internal clock-system-thing is developing a method for itself to capture these moments because it thinks I'm not paying attention.   It's catching the odd moments like a cellphone-camera and sending mental image-alerts to smash into my consciousness (the part that I pay attention to, anyway) and say things like "Hey!  Knock it off, you're old."  This makes it very hard to deny the fact that I am, indeed, "getting older."

I've been pretty good at that -- denying it -- until lately.

So what's the big deal, right?  Anybody with half a brain realizes that time doesn't stop and neither does the aging process.  While some of us might know how to slow it down, it still doesn't stop (that I know of).  And this means that we're all aging whether we bother to notice, or choose to acknowledge it, or to accept it, or not.  "Duh," right?

Well, no.  It's not that simple.  As I mentioned, it's not something everyone likes to acknowledge.   Getting older (so some say) sucks.  And if we don't acknowledge something, we very likely just think and believe it's not happening.   It's a trick.  That's how I came to believe that I'm *not* getting old.

It's simple:  don't accept it.   It's a psychotic, sociopath kinda thing.  "I don't see it, so it's not there."  However, the longer we put off accepting something like this whole aging thing, the more difficult it will be with when our internal control systems begin to throw these yawping signals in our faces.

I've been keeping a list of these signals when they pop up.  Here are fifteen of them:
  1. Keeping a list of things to keep track of things that make me feel like I'm getting older.  Only old people do that.
  2. I have also been noticing that, on any given day, my temperament is directly related to which pair of shoes I choose to put on in the morning. 
  3. All the Navy Captains and most of the Admirals are younger then I am.  When did *that* happen?
  4. I need to be getting ready for bed by 6pm and preferably horizontal in bed by 7.  If I'm not, I feel like I've been shorted on sleep when I wake up.
  5. I have *never* heard of *any* of the bands, singers, or people in the Top 10 or Top 40 of anything.  I have retreated to NetFlix or AmazonPrime streaming stuff on TV and listening almost entirely to music from the 60s and 70s.  I don't watch TV anymore.  Commercials make me talk back to the TV and only crazy old people talk to the TV.
  6. Gray hair.  I was fortunate enough to not have any until recently ... but now they're sneakin' in.
  7. Hair (in general) that is showing up where there wasn't any before.  Like in my nose.  What's up with that?  What's next?  My *ears?*
  8. I like it (and sometimes smile) when a cashier asks "May I see some ID?"  This may be a new law or just a trending practice in local binnesses (when selling adult beverages), but it's still cool.
  9. Feeling the need to take naps.  I only used to need a nap at the end of the day to rest up for the next day.
  10. Prices of everything are increasing and it pisses me off.  I'm almost certain there's a collective conspiracy by all of the companies and corporations to raise their prices faster than my annual income increases.  If prices are increasing, so should my paycheck, dammit.
  11. It *really* pisses me off when they move stuff in the supermarket or pharmacy in some misguided attempt to make you see *other* stuff that you won't be buying anyway.  It's dumb.
  12. I catch myself telling other people how old I am (like I am now).  I recently realized that the only other people who do that a lot are 4-year-olds.
  13. I hear a growing number of people talking about how old *they* are and then fondly remembering things from the 80s like 'Disco,' 'Donna Summer,' and other stuff that I didn't like back then, either.
  14. More and more friends, family members, and celebs are dying. And they're younger than me.
  15. And lastly, at least for now anyway, I am oh so very tired of being told (by anyone and everyone everywhere) who to admire and who to look up to.  People to look up to and respect as role models are hard to find and I kind of look at it like an Easter Egg Hunt.

    And I like finding the Golden Eggs by myself.  There are too many yolks in the world.



Ever Had a Conversation with AMAZON?

This is a copy/paste of a conversation I had last night with Amazon Customer Service and then with a representative of  'The Carrier' concerning an item that was delivered, but wasn't, then was ...

It has been edited for clarity, punctuation, grammar, some narration, and stuff like that:

I ordered a cellphone case for my new cellphone on Saturday because it read “Guaranteed Delivery on Monday”.  I understood this to mean that it could be as late as 8 or 9 pm.  But that was cool, I needed it for Tuesday.  As a rule, I only order stuff that says "Guaranteed Delivery by ______" so I can plan to be around when it's delivered, if possible.

While at work Monday, I got the message from Amazon that it was delivered around 10’ish.  


I go home.  It’s not there.  It’s 5 pm’ish.

After being convinced by the concierge that it’s just. Not. There. And then looking around myself for about another hour, I go up to the apartment and connect to Amazon Customer Service.

Silly me … I thought it was going to be a person.

Messaging Assistant | Customer Service
Hi! It's Amazon's messaging assistant.
So, what can I help you with?

6:40 PM
An item I ordered

6:40 PM
Messaging Assistant | Customer Service
Let's see. Could you select the item you're looking for from your recent orders below?

6:40 PM

6:40 PM
Messaging Assistant | Customer Service
Looks like this item was delivered on Monday.
Could you confirm what went wrong, so I can help?

6:40 PM
Didn’t get it

6:40 PM
Messaging Assistant | Customer Service
Sorry to hear that. Tell me a little more about what happened.

6:40 PM
Package never arrived

6:40 PM
Messaging Assistant | Customer Service
OK, looks like the delivery status may have been updated too soon.
The good news is it should arrive soon. Give us until end of day Tue, Oct 29.
Really appreciate your patience with this. Is there anything else I can help with?

6:40 PM
Yes, I have a different question

6:40 PM
Messaging Assistant | Customer Service
So, what can I help you with?

6:40 PM
An item I ordered

6:41 PM
Messaging Assistant | Customer Service
Let's see. Could you select the item you're looking for from your recent orders below?

6:41 PM

6:41 PM
Messaging Assistant | Customer Service
Looks like this item was delivered on Monday.

6:41 PM
Didn’t get it

6:41 PM
Messaging Assistant | Customer Service
Sorry to hear that. Tell me a little more about what happened.

6:41 PM
Package never arrived

6:41 PM
Messaging Assistant | Customer Service
OK, looks like the delivery status may have been updated too soon.
The good news is it should arrive soon. Give us until end of day Tue, Oct 29.
Really appreciate your patience with this. Is there anything else I can help with?

6:41 PM
Yes, I have a different question

6:41 PM
Messaging Assistant | Customer Service
So, what can I help you with?

6:41 PM
An item I ordered

6:41 PM
Messaging Assistant | Customer Service
Let's see. Could you select the item you're looking for from your recent orders below?

6:41 PM

6:41 PM
Messaging Assistant | Customer Service
Looks like this item was delivered on Monday.

6:41 PM
Didn’t get it

6:41 PM
Messaging Assistant | Customer Service
Sorry to hear that. Tell me a little more about what happened.

6:41 PM
Need a Customer Service Associate

6:41 PM
Messaging Assistant | Customer Service
OK, I'll get someone to help you here through chat.

6:41 PM
OK, get help through chat

6:41 PM
Messaging Assistant | Customer Service
Go ahead and type any details you think would help them understand your issue.

6:41 PM

YAY!  A person!
Michelle | Customer Service
Hello John,I understand that you have a concern about your order.I am more than happy assisting you today.
6:43 PM
This is at least the THIRD TIME that I've ordered something *specifically* because it was to be delivered by a certain date ... and it hasn't. "The delivery date was updated too soon?!" C'mon ... if I need an item that I ordered on Friday or Saturday to be here MONDAY (even by Monday night is good) ... and Amazon says "It'll be there." So we can't trust that? Is that what we're saying here?
(Not mad at you, I know you're just 'the messenger,' but --)

REALLY? C'mon Amazon, what's up?

6:44 PM
Michelle | Customer Service
I'm sorry for the inconvenience you've experienced in this case.
Could you please allow me a minute while I look in to this?

6:45 PM
... sure.  Do you wanna picture like Alexa did?

6:45 PM
Michelle | Customer Service
No, that's not necessary, but thank you for being so helpful!
I can see here that your item was tagged as delivered today at 10:53:49 AM

6:47 PM
But it's not "in the mailroom," the reception desk doesn't have it (the delivery guys often mark 'Left in Mailroom' when it was given to the receptionist, anyway) ... and it isn't in my mailbox (it's only a cellphone cover) ... it's not here. :/

6:48 PM
Michelle | Customer Service
Oh I see.by the way did you tried to contact the carrier about this?

6:49 PM
How would I go about doing that?

6:50 PM
Michelle | Customer Service
I can give you their contact number or I will just connect you to their department now via chat also.
May I know which do you prefer?

6:50 PM
Sure ... does the carrier have a guarantee policy for when packages aren't delivered as the system says they were?

6:51 PM
Michelle | Customer Service
kindly stay connected while I am transferring you to their department.Thank you.

6:51 PM
My issue: The system says 'Package delivered.' But it's not. The Amazon system says it was delivered, my computer got the message that it was delivered, and I'm pretty sure the carrier's system says it was delivered. But it's not here. So what do we do?

6:53 PM

YAY!  *Another* person!


Brian Lance | Customer Service
Hello, my name is Brian. Please give me a moment to review the previous correspondence.

6:54 PM
K.  Do you wanna picture of it like Alexa did?

6:54 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
Hi John.  Who's Alexa?  Oh.  Very funny.
Thank you for being a prime member, I apologize if you haven't received your package yet.
Can you please provide the shipment address on the account so I can check where it was delivered to.

6:56 PM

6:56 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
Thank you.
So normally if the driver delivers the package and tagged it as delivered to the mailroom it is handed to the receptionist correct?

6:57 PM
Either or ... there are several options they have, don't know what motivates them to pick which one. If it is tagged "delivered to the mailroom," one would THINK it's in my mailbox ... sometimes it is, but it's *usually* given to the receptionist (they have bins at the front desk and they mark all packages with a Sharpie and file them/stack them in order) ... we looked, it's not here.

6:59 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
Okay I see thank you for that information. As per checking there was a second scan made indicating the package was already been delivered and not a mis-scan.
So the next step would be waiting for the grace period to pass on. For us to refund the product as we have a grace period here in Amazon before we consider the item lost or missing.

7:01 PM
?! How long is that !?

7:02 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
That would be by tomorrow John. 

(A good salesman believes that he uses first names because customers supposedly like it ... it annoys me.)

This is the grace period of the package.

7:02 PM
Wow, Brian. So, my original question comes back again:  ... if I need an item that I ordered on Friday or Saturday to be here on Monday, Brian ... and Amazon says "It'll be there," I can't trust that, Brian? Is that what we're saying, Brian?"

Then the "Guaranteed delivery by __________ " means what, Brian? There's no guarantee, basically?

What's funny is, another case I ordered (shipping from China) because of this mess may very likely arrive sooner than this one with a "guaranteed" delivery date of TODAY from a local fulfillment warehouse. :/

7:05 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
This package was delivered on time wasn't it?

7:06 PM
Ummm, nope.
7:06 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
Its just not there correct?
“Delivered on: Monday, October 28, 2019 On Guaranteed Delivery Date”

7:06 PM
Brian. If it's *not here,* but the system says it was , that's delivered?

7:07 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
It was delivered.


7:07 PM
But it *wasn't!*

7:07 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
As long as its delivered its delivered.

It just wasn't received.

7:07 PM
Brian.  Dude.  Delivered = "here." "Not here" = Not delivered.

7:08 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
But it * was * delivered.

7:08 PM
Okay, "not received" means ... what?
This is funny.

7:08 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
Delivered = * not here * = missing.
I know right. Its funny.

7:08 PM
AH! So if it doesn't show up by 8pm tomorrow ... we're going to say "It was delivered, but it disappeared or was stolen, so we'll send you another one?"

7:08 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
As long as its delivered on our end its delivered but it hasn't been received.

7:09 PM
Okay ... "company lingo," I guess.

7:09 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
Yes we can resend another one if its not from a third party seller.

7:09 PM
But I still don't have my case for my $1000 phone (which I hope I don't drop until my case gets here!)
Lemme check ... Sold by: EasyAcc.A Store <= does that mean 3rd party seller?

7:10 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service

7:10 PM
So! NOW what?

7:10 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
The only option for third party seller products are refund.

7:11 PM
You *know* this thing only cost $5.29, right?!

7:11 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service

7:11 PM
So we're going to leave it at: "If it's not here by 8pm tomorrow (well, if *I don't have it in my hands* by 8pm, even if the computer *says* I do!) ... then I come back here for a refund and I reorder another one?

7:12 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
Yes John.

7:12 PM
Thanks for using my name so much, Brian.  It soothes my nerves.
Please thank Alexa and Michelle for me?

7:13 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
Hah hah.  Sure.  I'm really sorry that is normally how it goes for packages that are delivered and not received on the same day. We advise to wait up until tomorrow since package can either show up or be found by the next day and if not we do process the necessary actions available for the item.
I do want to prevent this from happening again would you like to include or update the delivery instructions on the account?

7:14 PM
Okay ... I still think the "Guaranteed to be delivered by" needs some work ... YES -- I'll have to update the delivery instructions to read: "HAND-DELIVER ALL PACKAGES TO RECEPTIONIST, *NOT* MAILROOM" Do you think that would work?
( ... actually, I thought I did that at one point already ... )

7:16 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
Oh yea I can definitely include that one and add a preferences on just deliver it to the receptionist as an option on the account hold on.


We appreciate your feedback on that one John thank you.

7:16 PM
And you'll be sending me a complimentary AMAZON t-shirt for my troubles, right? :)

7:17 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
As much as I would love to give out a tshirt for you. Unfortunately I'm very limited to only giving out promotional certificate will that work?

7:17 PM
Sure! Can I use it to order another cellphone case?
7:18 PM

Brian Lance | Customer Service
Hah hah.  Well, you can use it on items that are sold and fulfilled by Amazon.

7:18 PM
... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! That's the trick, then ... I need to remember that "Don't order from 3rd Party guys." Promo cert. would be great, thanks!

7:18 PM
Brian Lance | Customer Service
Hah hah that's all good. Anything else I can help you with today?
I'll send you the promotional certificate information via e-mail okay.
For the case please do contact us tomorrow if its still not found the next associate will assist you on where we left off.

7:20 PM
Sure ... thanks for your help ... I hope I don't drop my phone until 8pm tomorrow.

Brian also recommended a case by "RINGKE," which I also purchased ... and then ...

The case arrived (again – I guess it ‘re-arrived’)  -- 15 minutes after our conversation ended.

I have also now updated my default "Special Delivery Instructions" to read:



30 October Update:  The 2nd cellphone case (the one Brian recommended) arrived today: