

Contributions to or sponsors of the author of this blog.

Your return will be the satisfaction of knowing you assisted in:

The creation more free time required for writing and other work on worthy projects such as:
  • Helping the unavoidably homeless (providing food, clothing, shelter, etc.).  
  • Writing, publishing and distributing (to elementary schools) short stories, poems and books for our younger folks in order to encourage reading and thinking and being creative to combat their becoming obsessed and overly dependent on their smartphones for 'entertainment'.
  • Mastering and accomplishing a properly written screenplay and having the means to travel and meet with the various folks or entities who might be willing and able produce it.  I have regularly-occurring wonderfully workable ideas for programming and am forced to sit back and watch as they find the path of least resistance (via someone else!) rather than emerging from my brain through my arm, hand, fingers, and then pen or keyboard onto paper.
  • Complete a book with the intent of someone purchasing the rights to do the above. I have been told by some folks in the entertainment-production business "just write a book about the same thing, there are thousands of people out there looking at books as they are published and snapping them up with the possibility of transforming them into productions for film or television."  

The right person understands the importance of these endeavors and need for dedicated and uninterrupted time required to accomplish them to any degree of effectiveness.

If this describes you: 

Thank you!