

"Conversation in the Metro"

A girl on her cellphone is having a ... conversation ... with someone on her cellphone.

It's a loud ... conversation. She's behind me as we walk through the tunnels:

Girl on cellphone: "I know, right?"
Girl on cellphone: "So I said, 'Marie, you ...' I know, right?"
Girl on cellphone: "And then ... I know, right?"
Girl on cellphone: "And Marcus, he just ... I know, right?"
Girl on cellphone: "So - Listen! I know, right?"

I probably should have been laughing to myself but, this kid had one of those voices that made me wince. It hurt. 

So I picked up the pace and tried to discreetly up my stride in an effort to reduce her volume a little.

Girl on cellphone: "That was ... I know, right?"
Girl on cellphone: "Yeah, and ... I know, right?"
Girl on cellphone: "Marcus was there, too ... I know, right?"
Girl on cellphone: "And then Marcus, he ... I know, right?"
Girl on cellphone: "No. Really. I know, right?!"

It wasn't working. 

Since my first attempt to avoid the droning one-sided-yakathon-screecher-conversation failed, I took a shortcut through a parking garage.  Leaving the tunnel should have, A-squared plus B-squared equals, given me about 10 yards or better when I cut back into the tunnel by the Korean guy's store. I thought that would easily take care of Little Miss Monologue.

And -- it didn't work.

I must have slowed down or she sped up during my shortcut-trick. 

Or she ran, more likely, because she was obviously sent by the Devil to annoy me.

Yep.  As I reentered the tunnel, there she was.  Right behind me.  Again.

Girl on cellphone: 

"Hey! Weren't you just in front of me before?"


-- JM --

1 comment:


I counted atleast 65 " likes " during a 5 minute phone conversation between my wife and stepdaughter. Yes, all the "likes" came from the 27 yr. old stepdaughter. When the conversation ended, I was like, I know right !